What is counseling actually like? Read on…

What to expect when we meet:

You can expect a laid back, warm, goal oriented, and collaborative environment injected with some lightness and humor.

If you are coming to work on men’s issues in-person therapy, my office is located in Nashville via the Crieve Hall neighborhood. I share the same building as Crieve Hall Bagel (you will want to try it…trust me). My office is quiet, comfortable, and sometimes messy (thanks to my ADHD).

If you are seeking virtual men’s issues therapy, the platform used is easy, reliable, and HIPAA compliant. You can attend virtual therapy from anywhere in Tennessee via your phone or computer. As long as you have stable service or Wi-Fi, there shouldn’t be any issues. I will typically attend these sessions from my office or from my home. Either way, you can guarantee your privacy is of paramount importance and no one else will be able to hear our therapy sessions. However…you may hear my young kids yelling in the back ground.

If we meet online across Tennessee or in person in Nashville, either way, we will find tools that will improve your daily wellbeing while also focusing on healing any deeper issues or past experiences that may be driving your daily struggles.

If you are ready to utilize the tools at home and show up honestly in session, you are likely see change begin within a few sessions.

What are the steps in the counseling process?

Schedule a phone consultation

If you think you may benefit from counseling focused on men’s mental health and are located in Tennessee, I provide a 20 minute therapy consultation to help you decide if I might be a good fit for helping you achieve your goals in therapy.

Develop a plan of action

If you decide I am the right fit and want to do in-person sessions in Nashville or virtual therapy elsewhere in Tennessee, we will name your goals, engage the issues from a lens tailored to men’s mental health and find the root of what is driving your struggle. Based on what we find, we will create a plan for therapy that is unique to your experience to engage and address those struggles.

Put in the work

Continue to show up to therapy sessions and put the suggested work in at home. It will not always be easy, in fact, I can guarantee it will be difficult work, but as you become honest with yourself, put in the work of creating new habits, and engage your pain points, you will begin to see the progress mount towards achieving your goals for therapy and becoming the man you long to be.

Achieve your goals and Graduate

Having put in the work you will have experienced growth, healing, and change. Ultimately if you feel your goals for therapy have been achieved, you will graduate from counseling and implement these skills on your own.